Information on Coity Higher
The Village of Coity Higher is located in Wales. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. |
Coity Higher Village COUNCIL
Coity Higher council address | Not available | |
Phone number of Coity Higher council | Not available | |
Email of Coity Higher council | Not available | |
Official website of Coity Higher council | Not available | |
Mayor of Coity Higher |
Demography of Coity Higher
Name of Coity Higher inhabitants (demonym) | Not available | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 835 inhabitants | 465 / 2 219 | ||
Population density in Coity Higher | Not available |
Coity Higher administrative division
Country | United Kingdom |
Country | Wales |
County borough | Bridgend |
Transportation modes in Coity Higher
Airport | Cardiff Airport 12.5 miles Swansea Airport 22.9 miles Bristol Airport 37.2 miles |
Coity Higher territory
Coity Higher area | Not available |
Coity Higher altitude | 164 Altitude feet |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 51.5212 Longitude: -3.55249 Latitude: 51° 31' 16'' North Longitude: 3° 33' 9'' West |
Time zone | UTC +0:00 (Europe/London) Summer time : UTC +1:00 Winter time : UTC +0:00 |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with Coity Higher | Currently, the town Coity Higher isn’t twinned |
Natural parks | Coity Higher isn't part of a natural park |
What is Coity Higher close to?
Coity Higher neighbouring municipalities | ||
St Bride's Minor | St Bride's Minor | Coychurch Higher |
St Bride's Minor | ![]() | Brackla |
Bridgend | Brackla | Brackla |
Coity Higher neighbouring municipalities | ||
Brackla 0.7 miles | St Bride's Minor 1.3 miles | Bridgend 1.6 miles |
Coychurch Lower 1.9 miles | Pencoed 2.3 miles | Ynysawdre 2.4 miles |
Coychurch Higher 2.4 miles | Newcastle Higher 2.7 miles | Ewenny 2.8 miles |
Llangan 3.2 miles | Laleston 3.2 miles | Merthyr Mawr 3.4 miles |
Colwinston 3.8 miles | Llangynwyd Lower 4.2 miles | Cefn Cribwr 4.4 miles |
Penllyn 4.5 miles | St Bride's Major 5 miles | Llanharan 5 miles |
Llanharry 5.3 miles | Llandow 5.3 miles | Ogmore Valley 5.5 miles |
Distance between Coity Higher and other main cities and towns
London : 147 miles | Birmingham : 97 miles | Leeds : 179 miles |
Glasgow : 301 miles | Sheffield : 156 miles | Bradford : 174 miles |
Manchester : 146 miles | Edinburgh : 307 miles | Bristol : 42 miles |
Liverpool : 132 miles | Cardiff : 16 miles closest | Wakefield : 173 miles |
Coventry : 106 miles | Wigan : 145 miles | Dudley : 93 miles |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Leisure and activities in Coity Higher surrounding area
No activities found in town Coity Higher |
Other information on the Village of Coity Higher
Nuclear power plant | Hinkley Point C nuclear power station 46 mile |