City, town and village > Country Scotland > Council area Moray > Portknockie

Information on Portknockie

The Village of Portknockie is located in Scotland. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the Village hall of Portknockie at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Village hall office by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Portknockie Village COUNCIL

Portknockie council addressPortknockieCivic centre Portknockie
High Street

Elgin, Moray, IV30 1BX
United Kingdom

Work+44 03457565656
Phone number of Portknockie council03457565656
International: +44 03457565656
Email of Portknockie councilNot available
Official website of Portknockie
Mayor of PortknockieShona Morrison

Demography of Portknockie

Name of Portknockie inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population1 130 inhabitants342 / 2 057
Population density in PortknockieNot available

Transportation modes in Portknockie

Royal Air Force Kinloss 26.2 miles
Aberdeen Airport 42.3 miles
Dornoch Airport 44.5 miles

Portknockie territory

Portknockie areaNot available
Portknockie altitude102 Altitude feet
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 57.703
Longitude: -2.85931
Latitude: 57° 42' 11'' North
Longitude: 2° 51' 34'' West
Time zone
UTC +0:00 (Europe/London)
Summer time : UTC +1:00
Winter time : UTC +0:00
Local time
Cities twinned with PortknockieCurrently, the town Portknockie isn’t twinned
Natural parksPortknockie isn't part of a natural park

What is Portknockie close to?

Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Portknockie neighbouring municipalities
FindochtyNeighbouring townsCullen
Portknockie neighbouring municipalities
Cullen 1.6 milesFindochty 1.6 milesBuckie 4.4 miles
Portgordon 6.4 milesPortsoy 6.5 milesGarmouth 9.6 miles
Whitehills 10.5 milesFochabers 10.8 milesMosstodloch 11.3 miles
Keith 11.6 milesBanff 12.7 milesAberchirder 13.1 miles
Macduff 13.6 milesLhanbryde 14.1 milesLossiemouth 15.6 miles
Elgin 17.4 milesRothes 17.7 milesHuntly 18 miles
Turriff 18.6 milesGardenstown 19.4 milesDuffus 19.7 miles

Distance between Portknockie and other main cities and towns

London : 442 milesBirmingham : 363 milesLeeds : 275 miles
Glasgow : 138 milesSheffield : 304 milesBradford : 274 miles
Manchester : 294 milesEdinburgh : 122 miles closestBristol : 433 miles
Liverpool : 298 milesCardiff : 431 milesWakefield : 283 miles
Coventry : 370 milesWigan : 289 milesDudley : 360 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Leisure and activities in Portknockie surrounding area

No activities found in town Portknockie