Information on Alyth
The Village of Alyth is located in Scotland. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. |
Alyth Village COUNCIL
Alyth council address | AlythCivic centre Alyth Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street Perth, PH1 5GD United Kingdom Work+44 01738475000 | |
Phone number of Alyth council | 01738475000 International: +44 01738475000 | |
Email of Alyth council | Not available | |
Official website of Alyth council | | |
Opening hours of Alyth council | Monday to Friday from 8.45 am to 5.00 pm | |
Mayor of Alyth | Dennis Melloy |
Demography of Alyth
Name of Alyth inhabitants (demonym) | Not available | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 2 390 inhabitants | 252 / 1 516 | ||
Population density in Alyth | Not available |
Alyth administrative division
Country | United Kingdom |
Country | Scotland |
Council area | Perth and Kinross |
Transportation modes in Alyth
Airport | Perth Airport 14 miles Dundee Airport 14.2 miles Royal Air Force Leuchars 22.2 miles |
Alyth territory
Alyth area | Not available |
Alyth altitude | 364 Altitude feet |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 56.6258 Longitude: -3.22687 Latitude: 56° 37' 33'' North Longitude: 3° 13' 37'' West |
Time zone | UTC +0:00 (Europe/London) Summer time : UTC +1:00 Winter time : UTC +0:00 |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with Alyth | Currently, the town Alyth isn’t twinned |
Natural parks | Alyth isn't part of a natural park |
What is Alyth close to?
Alyth neighbouring municipalities | ||
Kirriemuir | Kirriemuir | |
Blairgowrie | ![]() | Newtyle |
Blairgowrie | Blairgowrie | Newtyle |
Alyth neighbouring municipalities | ||
Blairgowrie 5.2 miles | Newtyle 5.4 miles | Coupar Angus 5.6 miles |
Burrelton 7.7 miles | Kirriemuir 9.2 miles | Muirhead 10.7 miles |
Liff 11.1 miles | Birkhill 11.2 miles | Longforgan 12.5 miles |
Inchture 12.7 miles | Forfar 12.9 miles | Stanley 13 miles |
Invergowrie 13 miles | Bankfoot 14.1 miles | Birnam 14.1 miles |
Dunkeld 14.3 miles | Dundee 14.9 miles | Luncarty 15.4 miles |
Wellbank 15.7 miles | New Scone 15.9 miles | Errol 16.2 miles |
Distance between Alyth and other main cities and towns
London : 376 miles | Birmingham : 292 miles | Leeds : 206 miles |
Glasgow : 66 miles | Sheffield : 235 miles | Bradford : 204 miles |
Manchester : 222 miles | Edinburgh : 47 miles closest | Bristol : 359 miles |
Liverpool : 223 miles | Cardiff : 356 miles | Wakefield : 215 miles |
Coventry : 300 miles | Wigan : 215 miles | Dudley : 288 miles |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Leisure and activities in Alyth surrounding area
No activities found in town Alyth |