City, town and village > Country England > Unitary authority Cornwall > Helston

Information on Helston

The Town of Helston is located in England. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the Town hall of Helston at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall office by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Helston Town COUNCIL

Helston council addressHelstonCivic centre Helston
West SDA - Helston & The Lizard CNA The Guildhall

Helston TR13 8ST
United Kingdom

Work+44 01326572063
Phone number of Helston council01326572063
International: +44 01326572063
Email of Helston councilLoading...
Official website of Helston councilNot available
Mayor of HelstonMiss Pamela Lavelle

Demography of Helston

Name of Helston inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population9 780 inhabitants592 / 710
Population density in HelstonNot available

Transportation modes in Helston

Land's End Airport 17.6 miles
Newquay Airport 26.8 miles
Plymouth City Airport 56.3 miles

Helston territory

Helston areaNot available
Helston altitude157 Altitude feet
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 50.0969
Longitude: -5.27324
Latitude: 50° 5' 49'' North
Longitude: 5° 16' 24'' West
Time zone
UTC +0:00 (Europe/London)
Summer time : UTC +1:00
Winter time : UTC +0:00
Local time
Cities twinned with Helston
Australia Port AugustaFrance Pleumeur-BodouItaly Sasso Marconi
Natural parksHelston isn't part of a natural park

What is Helston close to?

Helston neighbouring municipalities
SithneyNeighbouring townsGweek
Helston neighbouring municipalities
Sithney 2 milesGweek 2.6 milesWendron 2.6 miles
Porthleven 2.8 milesBreage 3.2 milesGunwalloe 3.2 miles
Cury 3.8 milesConstantine 4.5 milesCrowan 4.5 miles
Mullion 5 milesGermoe 5.1 milesManaccan 6.3 miles
Stithians 7.1 milesMawnan 7.4 milesLanner 8.1 miles
Perranuthnoe 8.2 milesCamborne 8.2 milesPenryn 8.6 miles
Gwennap 9.2 milesFalmouth 9.2 milesHayle 9.2 miles

Distance between Helston and other main cities and towns

London : 245 milesBirmingham : 220 milesLeeds : 301 miles
Glasgow : 401 milesSheffield : 280 milesBradford : 296 miles
Manchester : 267 milesEdinburgh : 414 milesBristol : 150 miles
Liverpool : 249 milesCardiff : 132 miles closestWakefield : 296 miles
Coventry : 228 milesWigan : 263 milesDudley : 217 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Leisure and activities in Helston surrounding area

No activities found in town Helston