Information on South Caicos and East Caicos
The District of South Caicos and East Caicos is located in Turks and Caicos Islands. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the District hall of South Caicos and East Caicos at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the District hall office by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability. Update data |
South Caicos and East Caicos District COUNCIL
South Caicos and East Caicos council address | Not available | |
Phone number of South Caicos and East Caicos council | Not available | |
Email of South Caicos and East Caicos council | Not available | |
Official website of South Caicos and East Caicos council | Not available | |
Mayor of South Caicos and East Caicos |
Demography of South Caicos and East Caicos
Name of South Caicos and East Caicos inhabitants (demonym) | Not available | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 1 579 inhabitants | 4 / 1 837 | ||
Population density in South Caicos and East Caicos | 29,9 pop/sq mi (11,5 pop/km²) |
South Caicos and East Caicos administrative division
Country | United Kingdom |
Territory | Turks and Caicos Islands |
South Caicos and East Caicos territory
South Caicos and East Caicos area | 52,82 sq mi (136,80 km²) |
South Caicos and East Caicos altitude | 26 Altitude feet |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 21.5094 Longitude: -71.5178 Latitude: 21° 30' 34'' North Longitude: 71° 31' 4'' West |
Time zone | UTC -5:00 (America/Grand_Turk) Summer time : UTC -4:00 Winter time : UTC -5:00 |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with South Caicos and East Caicos | Currently, the town South Caicos and East Caicos isn’t twinned |
Natural parks | South Caicos and East Caicos isn't part of a natural park |
What is South Caicos and East Caicos close to?
South Caicos and East Caicos neighbouring municipalities | ||
Middle Caicos | Middle Caicos | |
Middle Caicos | ![]() | Salt Cay |
Salt Cay | Salt Cay | |
South Caicos and East Caicos neighbouring municipalities | ||
Salt Cay 23.7 miles | Middle Caicos 23.8 miles | Grand Turk 24.5 miles |
Distance between South Caicos and East Caicos and other main cities and towns
London : 4279 miles | Birmingham : 4205 miles | Leeds : 4224 miles |
Glasgow : 4127 miles closest | Sheffield : 4226 miles | Bradford : 4215 miles |
Manchester : 4194 miles | Edinburgh : 4170 miles | Bristol : 4173 miles |
Liverpool : 4163 miles | Cardiff : 4148 miles | Wakefield : 4225 miles |
Coventry : 4221 miles | Wigan : 4179 miles | Dudley : 4198 miles |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Leisure and activities in South Caicos and East Caicos surrounding area
No activities found in town South Caicos and East Caicos |