City, town and village > Country England > Unitary authority Cheshire East > Lower Withington

Information on Lower Withington

The Civil parish of Lower Withington is located in England. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the Civil parish hall of Lower Withington at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Civil parish hall office by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Lower Withington Civil parish COUNCIL

Lower Withington council addressLower WithingtonCivic centre Lower Withington
The Folly Farm Swettenham Lane

Swettenham CW12 2LB
United Kingdom

Work+44 01477571444
Phone number of Lower Withington council01477571444
International: +44 01477571444
Email of Lower Withington councilLoading...
Official website of Lower Withington councilNot available
Mayor of Lower WithingtonDr E M Maddock

Demography of Lower Withington

Name of Lower Withington inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population492 inhabitants1 687 / 2 460
Population density in Lower WithingtonNot available

Transportation modes in Lower Withington

Manchester Airport 9.4 miles
Liverpool John Lennon Airport 24.7 miles
Hawarden Airport 28.8 miles

Lower Withington territory

Lower Withington areaNot available
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 53.2177
Longitude: -2.286
Latitude: 53° 13' 4'' North
Longitude: 2° 17' 10'' West
Cities twinned with Lower WithingtonCurrently, the town Lower Withington isn’t twinned
Natural parksLower Withington isn't part of a natural park

What is Lower Withington close to?

Lower Withington neighbouring municipalities
SwettenhamNeighbouring townsSiddington
Lower Withington neighbouring municipalities
Swettenham 1.4 milesSiddington 2.2 milesMarton 2.6 miles
Goostrey 2.6 milesSomerford 2.6 milesHulme Walfield 3.1 miles
Chelford 3.1 milesHolmes Chapel 3.3 milesCranage 3.8 miles
Marthall 3.8 milesEaton 4 milesAllostock 4.5 miles
North Rode 4.7 milesArclid 4.7 milesNether Alderley 4.7 miles
Congleton 4.9 milesGawsworth 5 milesHenbury 5 miles
Ollerton 5 milesWeston 5.3 milesSmallwood 5.6 miles

Distance between Lower Withington and other main cities and towns

London : 149 milesBirmingham : 53 milesLeeds : 50 miles
Glasgow : 199 milesSheffield : 36 milesBradford : 45 miles
Manchester : 17 miles closestEdinburgh : 192 milesBristol : 123 miles
Liverpool : 31 milesCardiff : 126 milesWakefield : 46 miles
Coventry : 65 milesWigan : 26 milesDudley : 50 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Leisure and activities in Lower Withington surrounding area

No activities found in town Lower Withington