City, town and village > Country England > Metropolitan county Tyne and Wear > Newcastle upon Tyne

Information on Newcastle upon Tyne

The City and metropolitan borough of Newcastle upon Tyne is located in England. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the City and metropolitan borough hall of Newcastle upon Tyne at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the City and metropolitan borough hall office by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Newcastle upon Tyne City and metropolitan borough COUNCIL

Newcastle upon Tyne council addressNewcastle upon TyneCivic centre Newcastle upon Tyne
Civic Centre Barras Bridge

Newcastle upon Tyne NE99 2BN
United Kingdom

Work+44 0191232852
Phone number of Newcastle upon Tyne council0191232852
International: +44 0191232852
Email of Newcastle upon Tyne councilLoading...
Official website of Newcastle upon Tyne
Mayor of Newcastle upon TyneCouncillor Michael Cookson

Demography of Newcastle upon Tyne

Name of Newcastle upon Tyne inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population292 200 inhabitants20 / 18
Population density in Newcastle upon Tyne6 697,3 pop/sq mi (2 585,8 pop/km²)

Transportation modes in Newcastle upon Tyne

Newcastle Airport 5.4 miles
Teesside International Airport 33 miles
Carlisle Lake District Airport 47.6 miles

Newcastle upon Tyne territory

Newcastle upon Tyne area43,63 sq mi (113,00 km²)
Newcastle upon Tyne altitude115 Altitude feet
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 54.974
Longitude: -1.6132
Latitude: 54° 58' 26'' North
Longitude: 1° 36' 48'' West
Time zone
UTC +0:00 (Europe/London)
Summer time : UTC +1:00
Winter time : UTC +0:00
Local time
Cities twinned with Newcastle upon Tyne
Australia NewcastleChina TaiyuanFrance Nancy
Germany GelsenkirchenIsrael HaifaNetherlands Groningen
Norway BergenSweden MalmöUnited States Atlanta
United States Little Rock
Natural parksNewcastle upon Tyne isn't part of a natural park

What is Newcastle upon Tyne close to?

Newcastle upon Tyne neighbouring municipalities
GosforthNeighbouring townsGateshead
Newcastle upon Tyne neighbouring municipalities
Gateshead 1.5 milesGosforth 2.3 milesFelling 2.5 miles
Longbenton 3.1 milesWallsend 3.3 milesWhickham 3.7 miles
Hebburn 3.8 milesLamesley 4 milesHazlerigg 4.2 miles
Blaydon 4.3 milesWoolsington 4.6 milesJarrow 5.1 miles
Birtley 5.4 milesNewburn 5.5 milesWashington 5.6 miles
Dinnington 6.1 milesRyton 6.1 milesEarsdon 6.5 miles
Urpeth 6.5 milesOuston 6.5 milesBoldon 6.6 miles

Distance between Newcastle upon Tyne and other main cities and towns

London : 248 milesBirmingham : 173 milesLeeds : 81 miles closest
Glasgow : 121 milesSheffield : 110 milesBradford : 82 miles
Manchester : 107 milesEdinburgh : 91 milesBristol : 247 miles
Liverpool : 122 milesCardiff : 250 milesWakefield : 89 miles
Coventry : 178 milesWigan : 108 milesDudley : 171 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Leisure and activities in Newcastle upon Tyne surrounding area

No activities found in town Newcastle upon Tyne

Other information on the City and metropolitan borough of Newcastle upon Tyne

Nuclear power plantHartlepool Nuclear Power Station 47 mile